Smart Lighting: Its benefits


22 June, 2021




Let’s talk about Smart lighting…



Smart homes are already here, home automation has entered our lives and does nothing but advance.

We have seen the energy savings it offers us, essential for our pocket,

And we have discovered that it helps to create a sustainable development.

In El Torrent Il-luminació we have a clear commitment to our environment.

We seek to work with natural, healthy, durable and recyclable materials.

Also in the LED lighting technology we use in our models.

For this, we work with Casambi™ components.

They currently offer “The most robust, cost-effective and future-proof wireless lighting control solution.”


CP Eddy Billard


Utilities  that reduce consumption:


Setting sunset and sunrise times:


  • Temporarily using GPS, Casambi units can calculate local sunrise and sunset times.

You can program the lights in your home to turn on and dim as it gets darker.

Or shutdown if more light enters the space at dawn.


Do you do homeoffice? You can program the intensity and temperature of the luminaire in your workplace, between certain hours.

It is a very practical way to delimit your work schedule. And return to the warmth of your living room or kitchen when you finish.


  • Control and synchronize switching on, off and dimming in groups of luminaires and/or individually.

Based on the creation of unlimited networks, it is possible to provide a solution to synchronize several luminaires in a single room, several rooms at a time but also complex communal buildings.

Eva smart light